40N Easyflow Concrete

40N Easyflow Concrete is an improved product which is prepared by blending Heidelberg Materials cement CEM I 52.5N, with GGBS, 0/2mm sand, 0/4mm lightweight aggregates along with 4/10mm coarse aggregate to balance weight saving benefits with strength.

The mix proportions are designed to achieve a mean strength greater than 40N when the product is mixed to a target consistence of S2 (50-90 mm slump). Typical water addition required to meet these properties is approximately 2L.

This product contains a workability aid to improve consistence and overall performance.

40N Easyflow Concrete


40N Easyflow Concrete can be used for a wide range of building projects requiring a concrete with high compressive strength.


The benefits of pre-packed 40N Easyflow Concrete include:

  • Contains GGBS giving improved durability and sustainability
  • Minimum 380kg total cementitious powder content
  • Easy to use, just add water
  • Saves time, quick and convenient
  • Same volume less weight, improving manual handling
  • Contains workability aid
  • Rounded lightweight aggregates which also enhance flow of product


Manufactured to BS 5838 and factory production control testing undertaken.

Addition of other material

40N Easyflow Concrete is a pre-packed concrete.The addition of admixtures is not necessary and could adversely affect the performance of the finished product.