What does ‘added workability’ on Multicem mean?
It relates to the additional limestone content of the product which makes it more workable.
Does sand need to be added to HS52?
Yes, coarse and fine aggregates should be added in suitable quantities to produce the concrete or mortar mix required for the application.
Can admixtures be added to Multicem and other cements?Multicem already helps produce a smoother, more cohesive mix reducing the water required for a given workability, leading to lower risk of segregation and bleeding and resulting in a concrete which is more durable and has enhanced resistance to frost. Further addition of air-entraining plasticising admixturesshould not be necessary, but if needed should only conducted after trial mixes.
Admixtures such as air-entraining agents and workability aids are compatible with High Strength 52,5 cement. It is recommended, however, that trial mixes are carried out to determine optimum properties.
What temperatures can the cement products be used in?
Please refer to the relevant Technical Data Sheet on our webpages. As a guide, cement-based materials should not be used below 50oC or above 30oC.