What is the aggregate size in 40N Concrete?
4/10mm Limestone is used as the coarse aggregate in our concrete mix.
What is the minimum cement content in 40N concrete?
Approximately 380 kg/m3
How much concrete does one bag of 40N or Multipurpose Concrete produce?
One bag of 40N or General Multipurpose Concrete produces 0.01m3 of fresh concrete.
What coverage can I achieve with a bag of 40N or Multipurpose Concrete?
When mixed with approximately 2 litres of water, a MaxiPack20 pack will produce approx. 0.008m3 of concrete and cover:
0.10m2 @ 75mm thick
0.08m2 @ 100mm thick
Is 40N Concrete sulphate resistant?
40N Concrete is a dry mix bagged concrete. If the added water content recommended on the packaging is not exceeded the product should fulfil the requirements of a Design Chemical class DC-2.
Other materials would not be considered to be sulphate resistant other than our Low Carbon Sulphate Resistant Cement specifically aimed at conditions where sulphate resistance is required.
Is there a CE mark for 40N Concrete?
There is currently no harmonised EU standard for dry cementitious mixes, therefore the product is not CE-marked. 40N Concrete is produced in accordance with BS 5838, test results and certification for the constituent materials used within 40N Concrete are available on request.
What does ‘workability’ mean for concrete products?
Added workability is where admixtures or additional water are added to improve the flow of the mortar or concrete. Although addition of water can increase the flow, the water-to-cement ratio is thus reducing the strength of the end product. Trials should be carried out to assess the workability and suitability of admixtures.
What temperatures can concrete be used in?
Please refer to the relevant Technical Data Sheet on our webpages. As a guide, cement-based materials should not be used below 5oC or above 30oC